New This Year!

Thursday, April 18, 5:00 - 6:00pm

Plenary: Effects of Abortion Restrictions and Reforms on Fertility and Maternal/Infant Health

Invited Session

Room: Franklin A, B, C, D

Chair: Blair Darney, Oregon Health & Science University

  • Abortion Restrictions and Maternal Health, A. Norris, The Ohio State University
  • Revisiting Effects of Abortion Restriction: 1960s Romania and 1970s U.S. Hyde Amendment, J. Menken, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • First Year Estimates of the Effects of the Dobbs Decision on Fertility, D. Dench, Georgia Institute of Technology

Friday, April 19, 12:30 - 1:30pm

Plenary: How the Reproductive Justice Movement Can Inform Demographic Research

Invited Session

Room: Franklin B, C

Chair: Amanda Stevenson, University of Colorado Boulder


  • Krystale Littlejohn, University of Oregon
  • Tiffany Green, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Thoai Ngo, Population Council

People sitting and watching in auditorium