Second Migrantlife Symposium

European countries have witnessed increasing immigration streams and ethnic diversity over the past decades.
Recent social science research reports considerable heterogeneity in family forms, employment, and housing 
patterns among individuals with a migrant family background as well as across migrant generations. Some 
researchers underline the importance of preferences and human capital, whereas others emphasise the role of 
structural inequalities. It is equally unclear whether the observed differences are short-term outcomes in a longterm process of cultural and economic integration or rather reflections of different pathways and outcomes for 
immigrants and their descendants.
This international symposium brings together migration researchers to discuss innovative research on migrants 
and their descendants. We invite contributions in the following research areas of migration studies: fertility and 
family; employment and education; housing and residential mobility; and health and mortality. Research using 
longitudinal data and life course analysis will be given priority. Future projections and methodological 
contributions are very welcome. The symposium is part of the ERC funded MigrantLife project (please see
Submission guidelines:
To submit a paper for the symposium, please send an abstract (max 250 words) to Susan Watson at by 15th March 2023. Slots for presentations are limited and authors will be informed by the 31st 
March as to whether their paper has been accepted.
PhD students are encouraged to also submit an extended abstract (max 5 pages) or a full paper (max 20 pages). 
Travel and accommodation costs of the best PhD papers will be covered by the organisers.
The organising committee:
Dr Isaure Delaporte
Dr Chia Liu
Dr Júlia Mikolai
Dr Julie Lacroix
Mary Abed Al Ahad
Joseph Harrison
Parth Pandya
Susan Watson
Prof Hill Kulu

Starts:  Jun 29, 2023 09:00 AM (UTC)
Ends:  Jun 30, 2023 05:00 PM (UTC)