Call for Papers

Closed for submissions.

Sessions will be in-person in Washington, DC, starting on Thursday, April 10 and going through Sunday, April 13.

Please note a few important items:

  • All accepted presenters will be required to pre-register for the conference by February 3, 2025.
  • Unfortunately, PAA cannot accommodate schedule requests; if your paper or poster is accepted, it could be scheduled any time between Friday, April 11 and Sunday, April 13.
  • Individuals can only serve as a presenting author twice on the program, but can have additional roles such as chair or discussant.
  • Organizers will not review papers from authors with whom they have a conflict of interest (close collaborators or current students/postdocs). As such, please do not submit your abstract to someone with whom you may have a conflict of interest.
  • There will be no travel awards for PAA 2025.

Two Presentation Rule

The PAA Board of Directors has instituted a two-presentations rule, i.e., each person is limited to a maximum of two presentations (summed across regular oral sessions, flash sessions and poster sessions).

A further rule is a limit of four appearances in total, encompassing the roles of presenter, chair, and discussant. But there is no limit on how many times a person can appear on the program as a co-author. Single-authored papers must be presented by the author. For multiple-authored papers, at the time of submission a presenter must be designated; once all sessions are finalized (that is, all papers and posters have been accepted or rejected), there will be a short time interval when presenter status can be revised.

Note that for the purpose of the two-presentations rule, the roles of chair and discussant do not count; instead, there is a limit of four presentations in the roles of presenter, chair, and discussant inclusive.

Start the Visa Process Now

New this year: once you have finished your submission you will be able to download a letter about the conference with information about your submission that you can use to request your travel visa. Once acceptances are complete, and your paper has been assigned to a session, then you will be able to download a more detailed letter.
To access your letter, once you have clicked to submit your paper, you will see a “Submission Completed Letter” button on the Submission Complete screen. Or, from the Author Home, click edit next to any submission listed as "Successfully Submitted- Not Reviewed". Click "Manage" (Circle Number 6) and you will see the "Submission Completed Letter" button.

Important Dates

August 15 System open for submissions
October 1
(11:59 PM EDT)
System closes to submissions
November 18 - 22 Authors notified of papers accepted into regular and flash sessions
Authors notified of papers accepted into overflow sessions
December 2 Registration opens
December 9 - 13 Authors notified of papers accepted into poster sessions
February 3 Deadline for presenting authors, chairs, and discussants to register
March 19 Deadline for online revisions and to upload full papers
April 10 - 13 Annual Meeting dates
(all dates subject to change)

Video below

Video below