Call for Papers

We look forward to your submissions for the PAA 2025 Annual Meeting and can't wait to host you in Washington, DC next spring! The Call for Papers is now available and the submission system is open. Deadline for submissions is September 29.

Sessions will be in-person in Washington, DC, starting on Thursday, April 10 and going through Sunday, April 13.

Please note a few important items:

  • All accepted presenters will be required to pre-register for the conference by February 3, 2025.
  • Unfortunately, PAA cannot accommodate schedule requests; if your paper or poster is accepted, it could be scheduled any time between Friday, April 11 and Sunday, April 13.
  • Individuals can only serve as a presenting author twice on the program, but can have additional roles such as chair or discussant.
  • Organizers will not review papers from authors with whom they have a conflict of interest (close collaborators or current students/postdocs). As such, please do not submit your abstract to someone with whom you may have a conflict of interest.
  • There will be no travel awards for PAA 2025.

Call for Chair and Discussant Volunteers

Interested in serving a chair and/or discussant for PAA 2025 onsite in DC? Sign up to volunteer to be a chair or discussant, and your name will be given to session organizers. The organizers who will contact the appropriate chair or discussant for their sessions as necessary. Submitting this form does not guarantee that you will be selected as a chair or discussant. Deadline is September 29. 

Two Presentation Rule

The PAA Board of Directors has instituted a two-presentations rule, i.e., each person is limited to a maximum of two presentations (summed across regular oral sessions, flash sessions and poster sessions).

A further rule is a limit of four appearances in total, encompassing the roles of presenter, chair, and discussant. But there is no limit on how many times a person can appear on the program as a co-author. Single-authored papers must be presented by the author. For multiple-authored papers, at the time of submission a presenter must be designated; once all sessions are finalized (that is, all papers and posters have been accepted or rejected), there will be a short time interval when presenter status can be revised.

Note that for the purpose of the two-presentations rule, the roles of chair and discussant do not count; instead, there is a limit of four presentations in the roles of presenter, chair, and discussant inclusive.

Start the Visa Process Now

New this year: once you have finished your submission you will be able to download a letter about the conference with information about your submission that you can use to request your travel visa. Once acceptances are complete, and your paper has been assigned to a session, then you will be able to download a more detailed letter.
To access your letter, once you have clicked to submit your paper, you will see a “Submission Completed Letter” button on the Submission Complete screen. Or, from the Author Home, click edit next to any submission listed as "Successfully Submitted- Not Reviewed". Click "Manage" (Circle Number 6) and you will see the "Submission Completed Letter" button.

Important Dates

August 15 System open for submissions
September 29
(11:59 PM PDT)
System closes to submissions
November 18 - 22 Authors notified of papers accepted into regular and flash sessions
Authors notified of papers accepted into overflow sessions
December 2 Registration opens
December 9 - 13 Authors notified of papers accepted into poster sessions
February 3 Deadline for presenting authors, chairs, and discussants to register
March 19 Deadline for online revisions and to upload full papers
April 10 - 13 Annual Meeting dates
(all dates subject to change)

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