Fees & Funding
Beginning in 2024, Demography is a Subscribe to Open journal with Duke University Press.
Submission Fee
There is a $35 USD fee to submit articles for review. This is paid at the time of submission.
Editorial Management Fee
It takes quite a bit of work to take a manuscript from acceptance to publication. Your article will be reviewed, edited, and proofread by a highly experienced team of professional editors. To help PAA offset the cost of these editorial and management services, there is a standard fee of $1,000, which will be collected via ScholarOne Manuscripts upon the manuscript’s acceptance.
Note: this fee is not to make your article open access nor to cover any of Duke University Press’ expenses. This fee helps PAA cover its costs to publish Demography. PAA covers the cost of the managing editor, copyeditors, and reference checkers. We are proud to have very experienced professionals in these roles who have been with Demography for many years.
Our primary goal for Demography is to publish the best demographic research, and we understand that you may not have available funds for this offset. If you do not have institutional or grant support, PAA will grant the waiver request. Please send your request for a waiver to waiver@popassoc.org.Please include your name, article title, and article number in the email.
Before your article can be published, a waiver request must be received and granted, or the article processing fee must be paid.
Please wait to request a waiver until after your article has been accepted for publication.