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PAA Members Brief Congress on Impact of Education on Mortality and Health

By PAA Web posted 07-01-2015 00:00


Capitol Hill Staff Enthralled with PAA Experts’ Findings, July 2015

A standing-room-only crowd gathered for a serving of ice cream and cutting edge social science research at a PAA-sponsored Congressional briefing entitled: Live Long and Prosper: the Impact of Education on Mortality. More than 100 participants attended the briefing—including congressional staff, federal agency officials and representatives from other scientific associations—which featured a panel of leading experts from government and academia: Dr. Robert Kaplan, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Dr. Vida Maralani, Yale University; Dr. Ryan Masters, University of Colorado-Boulder; and, Dr. Jennifer Montez, Syracuse University.

The speakers presented evidence that pointed to a compelling linkage between educational attainment and long-term health and mortality. Dr. Kaplan’s remarks provided important context about the state of health and longevity in the U.S. compared to other industrialized nations. Dr. Masters shared additional historical data about the causes and nature of mortality in the U.S. over time. Dr. Montez presented findings that demonstrated how the data point specifically to the impact of education as a key factor in health and longevity, even when controlling for other social and economic factors. Finally, Dr. Maralani delved into the connection between education and certain behaviors that directly affect health, namely, tobacco use—providing evidence that education plays a role in the choices we make that have direct health consequences. [Links to these slide presentations are included below].

The congressional sponsor for the briefing was Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), who also facilitated PAA’s use of the meeting room. The briefing was co-sponsored by the Association of Population Centers, the American Sociological Association, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the American Psychological Association, the Consortium of Social Science Associations, and the Population Reference Bureau. Logistical and technical support was provided by CRD Associates. PAA is grateful to the co-sponsoring organizations and Rep. DeLauro for their support for this event.

Links to the presentations can be found here:

Dr. Robert Kaplan

Dr. Ryan Masters

Dr. Jennifer Montez

Dr. Vida Maralani

PAA Flyer on July 27 Congressional Briefing on Education and Mortality

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