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Undergraduate Programming at PAA 2023

By PAA Web posted 05-01-2023 01:57 PM


With generous support from the W.T. Grant Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, two groups of current/recent undergraduates participated in the PAA 2023 Annual Meeting! Coordinated by PAA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee (chaired by Tyson Brown, Duke University) and Executive Director Danielle Staudt, the Undergraduate Pipeline Program brought undergraduates from around the southwest region and beyond for a pre-meeting workshop that included an introduction to the field of demography and careers in population research, as well as information about applying to and succeeding in graduate school. The students met with PAA leadership and attended sessions over the first several days of the conference.

NextGenPop students

Also, students from the inaugural cohort of the NextGenPop program attended PAA 2023! Funded by an NICHD grant (#R25HD105602, PIs: Marcy Carlson and Kelly Musick), NextGenPop aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scientists – with a summer undergraduate residential program that rotates across five U.S. universities along with various ongoing activities, coordinated by PAA. Sixteen of the 18 students who spent two weeks at UW-Madison in June 2022 were able to reconnect in New Orleans during the PAA 2023 Annual Meeting. The students attended sessions, met with new mentors from the PAA community, and brought terrific energy and enthusiasm. One NextGenPop student (Lolayemi Charles of NYU) won a poster award for her research on prenatal and postpartum health of Black mothers, and two NextGenPop students swept 1st place (Brayden Rothe of the University of Minnesota) and 3rd place (Alyssa Kamara of the University at Albany) in the ‘Play PAA’ online game!

