Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022

Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022 on “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”, taking place in hybrid format from 30 November to 2 December is available online and registration is open.

Register now.

Climate change is a defining feature of life on Earth today.  Efforts to both mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of rising global temperatures are urgently required. Human populations are at the centre of these processes. The close reciprocal relationships between population and climate change makes demography a highly relevant discipline in providing evidence-based policy solutions to building sustainable and resilient societies.

Therefore the Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022 aims to bring together researchers from around the world, focusing on demography and climate change from diverse perspectives. Among all talks and posters to be presented, we want to highlight the keynotes by

  • Kristie L. Ebi, The Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE), University of Washington
  • Leiwen Jiang, Population Council and Asian Demographic Research Institute and
  • Kathryn Grace, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota


Starts:  Nov 30, 2022 12:30 PM (AT)
Ends:  Dec 2, 2022 01:00 PM (AT)