PAA Presidential Address Topics: Where Are They Now? Volume 3

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Hosted by the PAA History Committee:

John Weeks (Chair and PAA Historian), Win Brown, Karen Hardee,
Dennis Hodgson, and Emily Merchant.

With Introductions by PAA President Robert Hummer and VP Marcy Carlson

This is the third in our series of webinar panels featuring three PAA Past Presidents reviewing the main points of their respective PAA Presidential addresses and  commenting on how demographic and social changes have evolved since then. Could they give essentially the same address today and have it still be true? Why or why not?

We encourage everyone who is going to ''attend" this session to review in advance the PAA history interview with each of the Past Presidents, and to read the published version of their presidential address. These files are available on the PAA website.

Past PAA President Panelists:
  • Marta Tienda, Princeton University (, PAA President in 2002: "Demography and the Social Contract";
  • Kathleen Mullan Harris, University of North Carolina (, PAA President in 2009: "An Integrative Approach to Health".
Each Past President will have about 20 minutes for their presentation (which may include slides). After all three panelists have completed their presentations, a set of preselected demography graduate students will ask discussion questions. During the presentations, audience members may send the chair of the session questions via the Chat function in Zoom As time allows, these will be asked of the panelists at the end of the program.

When:  Jan 19, 2022 from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM (ET)


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Betsy Alafoginis
(301) 565-6710