Publication Archives

Applied Demography: 2020 

04-27-2020 12:22 PM

March 2020 Newsletter – Special COVID-19 Issue

  • COVID-19 and Family Bereavement in the United States
  • Guatemala case study: Demographic and public health considerations for understanding COVID-19 epidemic in settings with reduced health care capacity
  • Access to health care in Guatemala and population health implications of COVID-19
  • A healthcare saturation approach to visualize the trends of COVID-19 across countries
  • Early approaches to face the COVID-19 Pandemic by México and El Salvador
  • Workers at Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Four in 10 Food Preparers and Servers are Low-Income
  • Comparing age structures in times of COVID-19
  • Population Health Concerns: COVID-19 and Disabled Older Adults at/above Poverty in New York
  • COVID-19 in unequally ageing European regions
  • Short-Run Fertility Responses to Mortality Events: A look to the past

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Applied Demography: March 2020 – Special COVID-19 Issue

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