Policy Center

Support for Funding of BEA in FY24 

05-31-2023 09:38 AM

hile a relatively small agency, BEA is enormously important to understanding our multitrillion-dollar economy. BEA’s National Income and Product Accounts provide an overall picture of the economic health of our economy as well as an essential sector-by-sector and geographic report. Its data are used by federal, state and local government to inform economic and fiscal policy and to spur economic growth and job creation and informing academic and applied economic research and research training activities. BEA data also play a vital role in guiding business and investment decisions in the private sector. The data provided by BEA, essential as it is to both public, private, and scientific decisions, are not available from any other source. We believe the extraordinary return on investment provided by the BEA thoroughly justifies a budget of $154 million in FY24.


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