
Statement on Federal Data Access

By PAA Web posted 12 days ago

As the presidents of the Population Association of America and the Association of Population Centers, we are writing to express our alarm about recent events in which federal agencies have been purging scientific and statistical data from publicly available portals and websites. 

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The affected data contain invaluable historical and contemporary information about our nation’s health and well-being produced by agencies, including the U.S. Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As scientists who rely on these data to understand the causes and consequences of population change for individuals and communities, but also as taxpayers who have supported the collection, dissemination, and storage of these data, we are deeply concerned. Removing data indiscriminately, even temporarily, from secure portals maintained by federal agencies undermines trust in the nation’s statistical and scientific research agencies and puts the integrity of these data at risk. 
We understand and appreciate the right of policymakers to legally pursue data collection activities that align with their priorities. However, removing existing federal data from secure, accessible portals and agency websites is unacceptable. We call on the Administration and Congress to work together to restore access to the impacted datasets and to prevent future attacks on the platforms that federal agencies maintain for the benefit of all Americans. 
Dr. Irma Elo, President            
Population Association of America    

Dr. Sarah Burgard, President
Association of Population Centers


