The governing body of the Population Association of America.
last person joined 3 months ago
This committee selects the Clifford C. Clogg Award recipient biennially.
last person joined 8 months ago
Represents the activities, interests and perspectives of the Business Demography and State and Local Demography Interest Groups including organizing annual meeting sessions, communications, and activities. Visit the committee page for more information.
last person joined one year ago
A prestigious group of PAA members, appointed by the PAA President, who meet twice a year to discuss technical issues and activities important to Federal statistical agencies and to advise the PAA leadership on these issues.
last person joined 2 years ago
The PAA Development committee is a permanent standing committee with primary responsibility for raising additional funds beyond membership dues, annual meetings revenues, and subscriptions.
last person joined 9 months ago
This committee selects the recipient for the Dorothy S. Thomas Award.
Selects the recipient of the Early Achievement Award.
Oversees the PAA finances including investments, award endowments, and general financial health.
The Government and Public Affairs Committee works with government and public officials in support of population research activities.
This committee selects the recipient of the Harriet B. Presser Award .
Seeks to increase the contact between PAA members and demographers in developing countries. Over the years the primary mechanism for achieving this goal has been the Travel Awards program that supports attendance at the PAA meeting
Selects the recipients of the Irene B. Taeuber Award.
The committee organizes the service held at the annual meeting.
This committee selects the recipient of the Mindel C. Sheps award.
This committee is elected by the membership and selects the nominees for PAA elections
last person joined 4 months ago
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The Committee on Publications is mandated by the PAA Constitution. Members are elected for a three year term, beginning January 1 of the year after the election. One member is elected each year and one rotates off at the end of each year. Each member serves as Chair in his-her third year. Every three years this committee is called upon to undertake the major task of recommending new editors for "Demography" and "PAA Affairs." At the Spring 1989 Board meeting, it was decided that the Chair presiding in the year new editors are selected will serve in an ex-officio capacity during the next selection year.