The Robert J. Lapham Award
The Robert J. Lapham Award recognizes a person who contributed to the population profession through the application of demographic knowledge to policy issues. The recipient does not have to be a member of the Association. The award consists of a plaque and a cash prize.
Robert J. Lapham contributed to the population profession in numerous ways. His original research and his direction of the Demographic and Health Surveys Project advanced our knowledge of population processes. He helped formulate population policy through his work at the Population Council and with the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Population. He strengthened the profession through his service as Secretary-Treasurer of the PAA. In recognition of these contributions and as a way of promoting his professional interests, the Lapham family established the Robert J. Lapham Award to recognize others who have made similar contributions.
The award is given biennially to individuals who have distinguished themselves by their sustained achievements in the following areas: contributions to population research, applications of demographic knowledge to improve the human condition, and service to the population profession.
Such contributions may be original research or efforts that increase our knowledge of population processes by enabling others to conduct research. Examples of the latter would be directing population surveys, creating a statistical system, or administering a program to facilitate demographic research. Applications of population knowledge to improve the human condition may be contributions to public policy, education, or program development. Service to the population profession may be building institutions within the profession, or service that advances the interests of the profession. In making their selection, the committee will weight impact as much as publications. We encourage nominations of both U.S. and international population experts.